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  • 3 Keys to Making This the Year Your New Year’s Resolutions Finally Stick (TPS176)

It’s a new year, which means a bunch of New Year’s resolutions about how this is the year that you’ll finally get in shape, get a promotion, or make that big step towards your ideal future. But oftentimes, these well-intentioned self-promises don’t actually materialize. Sure, we may start off strong, but after only a few weeks we find ourselves starting to skip out on the gym and when that happens it’s not long until we stop going altogether.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. In this episode, Brooks and Mike talk about what you can do to help your New Year’s resolutions actually stick. They share 5 reasons why New Year’s resolutions typically don’t last and show you what you can do it about by giving you 3 strategies to make them sticky so you don’t find yourself in the exact same position next year.

Cheat Sheet

  • Why everyone can relate to the topic of not keeping your New Year’s resolutions [2:06]
  • What to do if you don’t see results immediately [6:04]
  • Why it hurts to put in the time and get outside your comfort zone [9:40]
  • How to handle unexpected “emergencies” and not let them derail your plans [15:14]
  • Why you need people around you to support you if you really want to create new habits [20:35]
  • What happens when your “why” is not strong enough [25:16]
  • What to do to make sure this is the year your resolutions stick [37:08]
  • Why establishing rituals work so well to help you achieve your goals [41:04]
  • The 4 essential components of a good ritual [46:02]
  • Why you should be very careful about who you choose let speak into your life [58:04]


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  1. Wondering what you would recommend about eliminating resolutions that don’t work or seem counterproductive? How long should a resolution be tested before discarding it?

  2. I messed up the quote a little bit, but got the gist of it:

    “Allowing others to make your choices for you allows them to create your world, and when they do, they always make it too small.”

    It’s from the book “Treasure” by Edwin Louis Cole.

  3. Neat episode! I’m curious about a quote Mike shared: “If you allow other people to frame your world they will always make it too small.” Where is this from? I like it a lot!

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