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  • TPS88: Deep Work w/ Cal Newport


Cal Newport is on the podcast today to talk about Deep Work, a skill that is essential for success in today’s knowledge economy. Learn about what deep work is, why it is so important, and how you can manage your time and distractions so that you can focus on this more productive work.

Bonus Audio

Cheat Sheet

  • What deep work actually means and how you can leverage it to take action on your goals
  • The importance of focus and how to avoid “attention residue”
  • The key skills you need to succeed in the knowledge economy
  • How to cultivate your ability to focus on one thing by avoiding “cognitive junk food”
  • The process you can use to write a blog post while going for a walk
  • Why boredom is a good thing and the benefits of letting yourself wind down
  • Key strategies you can use to change your ratio of deep work to shallow work
  • How you can figure out what your most important tasks are and translate that into action towards your goals
  • Quick tips for reducing the amount of email you read and send and freeing up more time for deep work
  • How you can support and protect your deep work by scheduling it in your calendar


Book, tool, ritual

Book: The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
Tool: Black n’ Red Notebooks
Ritual: A run in the park every morning, and a shutdown routine to transition at the end of the work day.

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  1. Advice ‘Get rid of email”
    Example: business with one employee

    That is completely unrealistic for distributed teams with dozens of existing and new project work.

    If i disregarded my email for the last hour today here is what I would have missed :

    Office is closing early for labor day weekend

    Your network load balancer is build, test it and let me know if you have any problems

    Here is the download link for the hot fix you need and the gotomeeting link so tech support can show you how to install it.

    Hey, I have a dedicated firewall team member for the next 2 hours. Send me any systems you need access to and we’ll get you access. Hurry.

    We are ready to create the security system account that you requested but we need more information. Send us x y z information and we’ll make the account for you asap.

    That is just one hour. Imagine two. The faster I process the emails, the faster I get what I need to do my job!

  2. This has been one great podcast. I can never get enough tips & tricks to get into a state of deep working and Cal is a great inspiration.
    Thanks for sharing!

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