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  • 3 Simple Steps to Help You Master Your Calendar (TPS198)

Ever wonder why some people get so much done compared to others? Behind every super-productive person is an intentional approach to how they manage their calendar. In this episode, Brooks and Mike dive deep on how to set your day up for success by managing your calendar well. They talk about why you need a calendar in the first place, what types of things should go on your calendar, the 3 simple steps for setting up your calendars, recommended applications and services (including some PC and Android options), and 8 advanced calendar management tips to help you plan and execute your perfect week.

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Cheat Sheet

  • Why do you need to use a calendar anyway? [2:04]
  • How many calendars do you need? [4:58]
  • Steps you can take to set up your calendars for optimal productivity [12:13]
  • Why Mike uses a “goose calendar” [18:50]
  • Things that don’t need to be scheduled into a calendar [23:11]
  • Why we recommend using a cloud-based calendar app [24:40]
  • Our calendar app recommendations for Mac and PC [33:58]
  • Why you should schedule everything that you intend to do [47:23]
  • Small things you can implement today to be more productive with your calendar [57:00]
  • Why you should plan at around 75% and over-estimate how long you think things will take [1:04:47]
  • How to use a routine and take advantage of biological primetime [1:09:39]
  • The advantages of using a scheduling application [1:15:20]


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  1. Great episode! I’m in the process of trying to improve my calendar utilization, and this was really helpful. I’m currently using the built-in calendar apps on Mac and iOS, and have been looking at BusyCal and Fantastical. I remember Mike mentioning (maybe in a previous episode?) that he uses BusyCal on the Mac and Fantastical on iOS. One of the features that I love in Apple Calendar is Travel Time. I believe that BusyCal and Fantastical both have some type of Travel Time feature, but if you’re using BusyCal on Mac and Fantastical on iOS, do they play well together in terms of not trying to overwrite each other when syncing Travel Time info between Mac and iOS?

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