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  • Declutter Your Photos w/ Isabelle Dervaux (TPS371)

Over the years, we’ve done many podcast episodes about organization and decluttering, but we always get questions about one specific area: photos!

We decided to call in an expert, so in this episode, I am joined by Isabelle Dervaux, a professional photo organizer and family photo curator. She has a background as an artist, is a regular speaker, and has been featured in Real Simple, the Wall Street Journal, and The New Yorker. We’re going to talk about decluttering your photos and making them something that brings you joy.

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You can find links to everything that we share in the show notes by going to theproductivityshow.com/371.

Cheat Sheet:

  • Who is Isabelle, and what does she do? [2:54]
  • Top 3 Productivity Resources [4:30]
  • How did Isabelle end up becoming a photo organizer? [7:03]
  • Why is photo organization so different from other forms of organization? [9:33]
  • What has changed in photo organization as the digital world expands? [14:08]
  • Why go through the de-cluttering process if you can just buy/access more storage? [16:48]
  • What does Isabelle prefer for organization? Photo apps, or file apps? [19:46]
  • What are some successful approaches Isabelle has seen people use for photo organization over the years? [21:13]
  • What are some quick tips for large-scale photo management? [25:40]
  • What can you do when you aren’t sure how to organize a photo? [37:07]
  • What is Isabelle’s framework for overhauling your photo collection? [40:06]
  • How do you approach photo organization when you’re incredibly busy or overwhelmed? [44:12]
  • What are some common mistakes Isabelle has seen people make with photo organization? [45:27]
  • How can you approach organizing physical photographs too? [46:49]
  • What are Isabelle’s productivity tips? [48:34]


Connect with Isabelle

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