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  • 9 GTD Mistakes You Must Avoid – TPS116


Zack and Mike revisit the Getting Things Done method and chat about common obstacles that prevent people from successfully implementing the system into their lives. They chat about keeping things simple, not following the system exactly, and evolving as you use the GTD method. You’ll get something out of this episode whether you’re new to the GTD method or a seasoned GTD pro.

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  • Common pitfalls and why some people have trouble making GTD work for them
  • How to make sure you are capturing everything so nothing falls through the cracks
  • How to identify all the inboxes that exist in your life (including those outside of email)
  • Why writing tasks for your future self increases the probability of completion
  • How writing a story that includes the desired outcome & defining what “done” means actually helps you take action
  • Quick tips for keeping your system as simple as possible
  • How to combat “shiny new object syndrome”
  • How to evaluate whether your system is functioning efficiently
  • Why Zack goes into execution mode during the week and does decision making on Sunday
  • Why journaling sets you up to make better decisions tomorrow
  • The different types of weekly reviews and how to implement them
  • What to do when you have no time left to do the actual work


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  1. This is one of my favorite podcast so far! GTD is not hard, you just need the right technology to use for the implementation part of the system.

    For me, as most of my actionable tasks come from the email, I like to use my email app as a centralized system. Here is a great visualization of this process – https://flow-e.com/gtd/

  2. Hey guys!

    Really enjoyed this episode: getting us all back to the basics of where many of us might have started with productivity.

    I started with GTD and now use my own pseudo-GTD method. I know it isn’t GTD-hardcore like the first version of the book suggests, but most of the concepts are in my system.

    Capture is essential. Review is critical, and I hear what you guys were saying about the resistance to reviewing that many will feel but the calm they will experience once they start doing it!

    I feel ill-at-ease if I miss my weekly review (Thursday late afternoons) – as if something just doesn’t *feel* right.

    It was the hardest thing from GTD for me to implement but it bears the most fruit!

    Great episode, thanks!

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