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  • Overlap: A simple strategy for closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be w/ Sean McCabe (TPS163)


Your ideal future is a lot closer than you might think. In this episode, Mike talks with entrepreneur and author Sean McCabe about how to create the future you’ve always dreamed of bu starting right where you’re at. Sean runs seanwes.com: a learning community for entrepreneurs looking to do fulfilling work. Sean is also the author of Overlap: Start a Business While Working a Full-Time Job. We go deep on several of the topics Sean covers in his book, including embracing an abundance mindset, why you can’t compromise when it comes to achieving your goals, and why Sean believes “Yes” is the most expensive word in the English language.

Cheat Sheet

  • Why Sean made it his goal to help people reach financial freedom [1:23]
  • How he defines the concept of “overlap” [3:14]
  • Why so many people fall into the trap of the scarcity mindset [6:27]
  • Why you should create goals that are outside of your current reality [10:30]
  • How to identify what to say no to so that you can focus on the right things [14:56]
  • Why yes and no are directional words, not emotional words [17:23]
  • About the sabbaticals that he takes and gives his employees [19:46]
  • Why it might not matter what you do as a side hustle because you can course correct [24:28]
  • How you can start by teaching what you know [29:22]
  • About the trifecta of making money from any pursuit [31:30]
  • Why you should only sell your services at full value or for free, and never discount [34:31]
  • How you attract what you project [39:39]
  • Why you can do many things, but you should choose only one thing to share publicly [45:34]


Connect with Sean McCabe

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Last Updated: April 2, 2024

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  1. Great insights, I appreciate Sean’s point of view and love the idea of overlap. It can be challenging to figure out how to do ‘both’ at the same time. Similar to scaling your business, and transitioning business models while maintaining profit margins. Good to have a mentor or group of mentors who have experience to guide you through the transition. Thanks!

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