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Goal Frameworks


A Goal Framework is one very simple way to break down complex goals into simple action steps – it’s one way to actually get goals (rather than just setting them). The basis of Frameworks is the idea of doing one small thing every day towards a goal, and having all these small steps add up to larger milestones, and eventually, the end goal. It also has the built-in idea of inevitability, which is the concept that you will get to the goal by the end of the framework period.

Goal Frameworks comes from the business discipline of Project Management. In the business world, project managers are essentially matrix organizers who pull together resources and ideas from different parts of a company to push through a project that benefits the entire company. We can borrow their best practices and structures and apply it to our personal life, to help us achieve our own goals.

Goal Frameworks tend to work well for goals that are 1-3 months in length. They also aren’t fixed in stone. Much like a business project, iterations and updating are required as the project progresses.

The Framework

Here’s an outline of all the component pieces of a Goal Framework. This is something we developed internally at Asian Efficiency, and we’ve never seen anything similar elsewhere.


The Overview acts as an introduction and simple reminder for the goal at hand. Simply write out what the goal is, and how it benefits your life in the long term. This doesn’t have to be complicated – a couple of sentences will do – and we’ll provide examples in the section below.


Angles are different ways that you can approach/attack a goal. We write them down in order to work out what to do. Essentially, they are a list of different ways that you will progress towards your goal.

The “standard” angles for most goals are:

Reasons Why

If you’ve done your goal setting properly, then you’ll already have a couple of reasons why you’re pursuing a particular goal. With a Goal Framework, you want to expand this – come up with a long list of reasons why you want something. This will help with motivating you to stick with the Framework as you progress towards the goal.

Scope Limitation

In Project Management terms, scope refers to the upper limits of a project. It’s basically defining what will be included in project, and what won’t be. With a Goal Framework, a scope stops the goal from stretching out beyond it’s original intent and makes it realistic.

You want to write down the upper limits of what a goal includes – and if necessary, what it doesn’t. One of the main reasons most people never achieve their goals is that they set a moving target – they begin with a goal, and continually stretch it out as they progress.


This is essentially a day-by-day plan of what you’re going to do. Best explained through the examples below.

Clarification and Guidelines

Here you want to write out principles that will help you make decisions that arise as you pursue your goal, as well as address any questions and answers. These can be choices regarding scope, regarding how you should behave when you hit barriers or roadblocks, or when emergencies arise.


Check-ins are your metrics and measurements for the goal.

Usually, you want to measure in:


Goal Frameworks can really be applied to anything, for example:

We’ll provide a couple of simplified examples below – from them, you will be able to see how you can structure your own Goal Frameworks.

Example: Business Book

This is a very simple example – reading a business book.


To read, understand and implement the chosen business book, within 2 weeks. At the end of 2 weeks, I will have read the book, have a comprehensive Mindmap of the book, and an Implementation Plan that can be put into action.


Reasons Why

Scope Limitation

This goal is limited to this book only. Mindmap and implementation plan can take into account existing knowledge (in my mind) and the problems and challenges of my current business, but nothing beyond. If necessary, read the footnotes in the book for clarification on certain points, and use Google for online research to better understand concepts from the book.


Clarification and Guidelines


Example: Getting Organized

Here’s a more complex example of a goal framework, and one that you can use yourself, or pass onto others who need to get organized. Note that it’s not a full example (you’ll be able to tell from the Scope Limitation), but it’s a foundational basis you can build upon.


To become more organized and systemized in the way I handle my papers and tasks. To become more productive as a result of this – getting more things done in less time. To never accidentally “forget” something that needs to be done, and to always be on top of things. To do all this within the space of 1 month.


Reasons Why

Scope Limitation


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Week 1 Gather papers into inbox. Gather and Sort physical inbox: throw out, file, or set aside for digitizing. Digitize physical items. Read article on morning rituals. Practice Morning Ritual. Continue clearing physical inbox. Morning Ritual. Physical Inbox clearance. Morning Ritual (continue for 4 weeks). Physical inbox clearance.
Week 2 Brain dump. Read Simple Task Management. Brain dump. Pick and set up Simple Task Management system of choice (text document or Things). Brain dump. Sort: cross out, file, or convert to action. Brain dump. Sort: cross out, file, or convert to action. Brain dump. Sort: cross out, file, or convert to action. Tidy up task management system with actions from brain dump. Day off!
Week 3 Read Schedule Management. Digitize paper diary. Digitize paper diary. Digitize paper diary. Digitize paper diary. Schedule in future appointments from brain dump. Schedule in future appointments from brain dump.
Week 4 Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process. Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process. Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process. Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process. Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process. Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process. Practice. Morning Ritual. Task Manager. Schedule Management. Inbox-to-list process.

Clarification and Guidelines


Clarifying Frameworks

Goal Frameworks are a simple and structured way to turn seemingly-overwhelming goals into simple day-to-day tasks and items that add up to that large goal. It isn’t necessary to use Goal Frameworks for all goals, and the process does work better with some than others.

Photo by: paul (dex)

Questions or comments? Want help creating a framework for a particular goal you have in mind? Ask away!

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